Friday, March 25, 2016

The Call to Integrity

The Call to Integrity

Integrity is a wonderful thing, though it’s all too rare, even among Christians today. We need to understand and heed God’s high calling to the perfect and blameless life. When the Word of God is given the prominent place in our lives it deserves, the standard set in the scripture becomes our measuring rod for personal integrity. You and I can’t live a life of integrity in our own strength, and we’ll admit that if we’re honest with ourselves. But, the Good News is the Holy Spirit dwells in us to make us people of the highest biblical character. 

Righteousness, uprightness, and trustworthiness are the attributes the Bible ascribes to a person of integrity. Examine these excerpts from Psalm 15:
v. 1,2   “Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle?  Who may dwell on your holy hill?  He who walks               uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart…”
v. 3b    “…does [no] evil to his neighbor…”
v. 4b    “…he who swears to his own hurt and does not change.” (or, one who
            keeps his word even when it hurts).
v. 5b    “…nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.  He who does these things        
            shall never be moved.”
Wow! This man or woman God describes “shall never be moved.” That speaks of the solid, unshakable faith and character the Holy Spirit develops in those who are determined to live open and transparent lives before God and His people. This chapter also speaks of abiding in God’s tabernacle and dwelling on His holy hill. What a beautiful picture of intimacy with God, and this picture is one He is painting for all who strive to live and love honestly.

The Lord calls you and me to be people of spotless integrity. We may not find many examples of integrity in the media or even in our personal relationships and travels. But the less regard for truth we witness in the world, the greater the witness of Jesus Christ in us becomes. What is important is that we find integrity when we look in the mirror! The mirror I’m speaking of is the Word of God. You see, when we read God’s Word, Christ is revealed, and so are we. All that the Word exposes leads to us beg Christ to help us, then he imparts His Spirit and integrity to us. 

So let’s be true to the One who leads us into all truth. He is the truth, and that truth lives in us, truly making us men and women of integrity.

Love and peace,
Pastor Eric

Friday, March 18, 2016

Quietness and Confidence

Quietness and Confidence
For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: "In  returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength."                                 (Isaiah 30:15)

Being quiet and still is often the wisest thing you and I can do. Wisdom dictates we humble ourselves before the One Who knows all - “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Yet, we find that the most difficult thing to do – to just be quiet. That is because the love of God has not yet been perfected in us, and we have much to learn about the ways of the Holy Spirit.

In today’s church, there is such a temptation to run to and fro, to chase every new idea and “revelation,” and to listen to and embrace “truth” from an endless number of teachers. We live in the “Facebook” generation where we easily grant access to our ears and hearts, often without even considering the fact that our time and attention should belong exclusively to our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Beloved, we are to be like a tree planted by the rivers of water (Psalm 1:3). God’s supply to his children is often unseen, underground, and dispensed in the secret place of prayer and intimate fellowship. – then, we are consistently nourished by the never-ceasing provision of a Holy God, Who dwells within where no one sees. We possess a boldness rooted firmly in an ever-increasing belief that God never fails, never gets weary, and is always good to His children. That confidence is our hiding place, and the secret place found only by those who rest in Him. So, be still, my friend, and know that He is God.

Love and peace beyond understanding,
Pastor Eric

Friday, March 11, 2016

Dream with God

Dream with God
Then He brought him outside and said, "Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be." And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.  (Genesis 15:5, 6)

Abraham was an old man, and Sarah was well past her childbearing prime. It was foolish to think he and his wife would ever have an heir of their own, but God uses foolishness for His own divine purposes (1 Corinthians 1:25). Just when Abraham’s faith was at its lowest point, the Lord challenged him, “Look now toward heaven . . .” Abraham and Sarah needed an attitude adjustment and a change of perspective if they were going to walk any further with God. They were going to have to give God their hopes and dreams and trust Him with them. So it is with each of us who hope in the Lord.

God wants to free us from the trap of small and limited thinking. We limit God in our minds whenever we elevate our circumstances instead of recognizing the opportunities to increase our faith. Faith is only increased by the determination to cling to God and His Word, and to let Him have the final say in all things. The name of Jesus must truly become the “name above all names” in my thinking, and my best efforts must disappear in the light of His sovereign will and His goodness.

Remember that He is gracious and is remarkably kind to all who believe and wait on Him. Now is the time for us to look up and believe!

Love and perfect peace,

Pastor Eric

Friday, March 4, 2016

Look Up, Look In, and Look Out!

Look Up, Look In, and Look Out!
In Isaiah 61: 1 the Lord says,
"…He has sent Me (Jesus) to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound."

In that Spirit, I pray you receive the fresh power of God that enables you, restores you, cleanses you, invigorates you, and causes you to rejoice in Him with exceeding gladness! It's a wonderful thing to serve a God who knows our personal pain and frustrations, and He's determined to minister healing to us if we will ask and receive it. 

Are you feeling defeated? Are you feeling like the bar of holiness is too high and you'll never reach it? Do you feel God is sick of hearing you prayers because you've fallen short so many times? Do you feel like everyone else is moving on with God, while you're stuck in the muck and mire? If so, I have a few instructions for you.

First, look up! Remember the God who made the heavens and all that's within cares more about you than anything else he ever created. After all He didn't send His Son to die for the heavens, but for you! Cast your cares upon Him - literally throw them to Him. He knows just what you should do, and He will show you how to do it. 

Next, look in! The Spirit of God lives in you, because you have been born again. Since He lives in you and you obey His voice, He will lead you into all righteousness. Clarity, victory, and righteousness enter at the precise instant we obey God's Word. Simply do all He says to you without hesitation. Return to the place you disobeyed Him, confess and repent, and your peace will come rushing in like a river.

Finally, look out! When Jesus, the King of Glory comes in, He brings with Him a tremendous bounty of blessings, good and perfect gifts, and precious experiences. Do you have room enough in your storehouse of faith to receive all He wants to give you? If you don't, let the glorious light of the Holy Spirit chase the darkness, and make room in your heart for Him. The scriptures teach there is fullness of joy in His presence. Seek Him, and you will surely find Him.

And remember, God knows exactly what you need. He's always on time, and the time for you to look up, look in and look out is now!!

Your friend and pastor,
