Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Esther Series – part 8

Pastor Eric A. Green

When virgins were gathered together a second time, Mordecai sat within the King's gate.  Now Esther had not revealed her family and her people, just as Mordecai had charged her, for Esther obeyed the
 command of Mordecai as when she was brought up by him. 
Esther 2:19, 20

Esther had ascended to the throne of the greatest kingdom on earth, and one might say she'd arrived.  She was surrounded by luxury and pageantry, having become the apple of the king's eye and the envy of all others in the kingdom.  How easy it would have been to forget her humble beginnings and become susceptible to the pride dictated by her newfound status. 

Yet, the scripture says Esther obeyed the instructions of Mordecai just as she did when she was a child.  Understand that Esther's obedience was child-like not child-ish!  Remember, Jesus said we cannot enter the kingdom unless we come as children (Mark 10:15).   Childlikeness is an indispensible trait of a Spirit-filled life, and it takes much effort to maintain this attribute.

Children are trusting, obedient, joyful, open to direction and correction, innocent, and loving.  That is what the Lord looks for in us.  How do our lives stack up in relation to these traits? One of my greatest sorrows as a pastor is how few saints truly respect and obey spiritual authority as Esther did.  Can your pastors say you are a joy to shepherd, obedient, humble, and meek?  I'm not talking about being a subject or slave, but a yielded vessel of honor God can use, as He did Esther.

If we could see the importance of submitting to the "Mordecai" in our lives, God's power would be set free in us in ways untold.  Think about it.

Love and peace,
Pastor Eric

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Esther Series – part 6

Pastor Eric A. Green


. . . she (Esther) did not request anything except what Hegai, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the king's women, advised.   And Esther found favor in the eyes of all who saw her.  Esther 2:15b

In Esther's story, God gave her immediate and effectual favor with Hegai, the eunuch in charge of the king's harem.  Hegai was best able to promote Esther, preparing her, advising her, positioning her, protecting her, and serving her.  Esther, to her credit, was humble and wise enough to listen and obey, and we know how things worked out in her favor against all odds.  

Eunuchs are among the most overlooked characters in the ancient world, but among the most influential and important.  Since "eunuch" is not a term we are very familiar with, let me give you the definition from Vine's Expository Dictionary:

" (a) An emasculated man; (b) one incapacitated for, or voluntarily abstaining from wedlock; (c) one such, in a position in high authority in a court, "a chamberlain."

Kings in biblical times required those who were exclusively dedicated to his welfare, safety, and interests.  Because a king was sovereign and every person in the kingdom was his subject, the job was overwhelming, requiring the assistance of a highly skilled and competent army of aides.  These aides were his first line of defense, his eyes and ears, his messengers, his representatives, his confidantes, his butlers and cooks, and anything else he might need of them.  As such, the lives and livelihood of these aides depended on their capability, loyalty, wisdom, and shrewdness.  Such was the lot of the king's eunuchs.

Being in the direct presence of kings who wielded absolute authority was an unfathomable honor and opportunity - but it was also a slippery and precarious slope of uncertainty.  Witness the predicament of Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego, who were Nebuchudnezzar's Jewish eunuchs in the Book of Daniel.  Their position and excellence made them invaluable to the king, but also made them targets of Satan and those who were envious of their position.

I believe there are eunuchs available to us (the bride of Christ) even today.  They are called angels.  In so many ways angels do for the Lord and us what eunuchs did for kings and their families.  Hebrews 1:14 speaks of angels like this:

"Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation?"

Yes, like eunuchs, angels serve God's interests (the church) with a singular purpose, and they wage a holy war for us in the spiritual realm.  We don't always realize this, because it is invisible - but it is real, and we need to live in such a way that helps our heavenly eunuchs help us.  We do this by living and walking in the Spirit, obeying and following Jesus, engaging in His interest in others, and giving sacrifices of praise and worship from thankful hearts. 

Imagine how difficult we can make the angels' job by opening ourselves up to demonic powers through disobedience, stubbornness and waywardness (witness Israel's wandering in the desert).  I look at evil things I was once involved with and I deeply regret the doors I opened for Satan.  But I'm so grateful for the angels God placed around me who fought for me and did not let the plots of devil succeed. Now I often pray, "Lord, help me to live in a way that makes the angels' ministry in my life a pleasure, not a struggle."

Finally, let me submit to you another group of eunuchs sent by God to minister on our behalf - pastors.  Pastors are sent to prepare the children of God for the day they will be ushered directly into His presence, just like Esther was prepared to go before the king.  The sermons pastors preach, the lives of sacrifice they live, their praying and fasting for us, and their example to us will commend us to God, if we'll only humble ourselves and follow them as they follow Christ.   May our lives be a witness to God's determination to perfect us for Himself and eternity.

Pastor Eric