Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Father's Voice

My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart. (Proverbs 4:20, 21)

There are an endless number of teachers and leaders who seek to influence your thinking and command your attention, yet the true disciple learns to hear the still, small voice of his Heavenly Father and to follow Him only. Teachers are many, but fathers are rare, and his words are to be treasured above all others and followed with purity and passion.

{Jesus said}, And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers." (John 10:4-5)
Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." (John 18:37)

Every voice leads somewhere and every tongue betrays the heart of the speaker, so we must take all the more care. We are completely responsible for the voices we entertain, and we will inevitably follow the lead of those we find ourselves listening to. When we hearken to the voice of our spiritual fathers, we can be sure we are being led in paths of wisdom and righteousness – for it is God’s sovereign will that the hearts of the children be turned back to their fathers (Malachi 4:6). A father’s words are a shield to the heart of his child, just as the Word of God is our refuge and peace. Be sure, that with all you hear, you are sure to heed godly instruction spoken from the heart of those care for you with the heart of God - father’s heart. Amen.