Friday, December 18, 2015

The Wonder and Meaning of Christmas

The Wonder and Meaning of Christmas

The Biblical account of the birth of Jesus Christ is the greatest story ever told. It has greater ramifications than any other event in history – even greater than creation itself, as creation and all therein is the work of His hands. No one can concoct a story so sweet and simple, yet so majestic and consequential. Jesus represents the fullness of all that God is and loves. Yet in this story, we see the awesome Prince of Heaven subjected to the meanest of earthly circumstances. We witness the greatest humiliation imaginable, as the Son of God Himself takes on the likeness of an infant – an infant whose parents do not even rate a decent room at the local Bethlehem Inn! A barn or a cave sufficed as the hospital room where the King of the Universe was born, and a crate filled with straw meant for feeding cattle was His crib. The little King was wrapped in strips of rags, as the Most High and Most Worthy gladly became the least of these.

And so this story illustrates the most poignant and stunning display of agape that only God in His infinite wisdom can give. We do well to turn our faces away from the world and its obsession with the worthless, and to gaze upon the beauty of the Bible’s revelation of Christmas and its true meaning. May each of us find ourselves in the holy narrative, as the Christ child truly came for every one of us who hears the message today, and His birth should be celebrated with the same blessed thanks, wonder, and expectation of the angels who proclaimed His coming some 2000 years ago!
"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:14)

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