Hello Everyone,
For the next several weeks I will share excerpts from a devotional I’m writing on the Book of Esther. Esther is filled with revelation about God, though the word “God” appears nowhere in the entire book. Its lessons on Christian character, courage, and faith are invaluable, and we do well to heed and apply them. So walk (and blog) with me through this marvelous book – and I’ll give you my thoughts, so give me yours.
Love and peace,
Pastor Eric
Esther Series – part 1
Pastor Eric A. Green
"But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command brought by his eunuchs; therefore the king was furious, and his anger burned within him."
~Esther 1:12
Queen Vashti’s refusal to obey the king's command led to her displacement and closed the door on her privilege, position, and prominence, which she had begun taking for granted. How careful we must be to guard against the temperament Vashti displayed, that wars against the childlike obedience to God and His ordained authority! Many opportunities to glorify God have been lost because of our unwillingness or reluctance to respond joyfully to the prompting of the Spirit and the leading of His shepherds. (Read Roman 13:1-7)
Perhaps the King’s behavior was boorish and immature, as some have asserted. Obviously, Vashti though so, and her refusal to obey his request was justified in her eyes – but was her response wise? And was it righteous? There are instance in our lives where we are “summoned” by authorities like Vashti, and our natural response could be the same as hers, if we judge those authorities unworthy of obedience. But if we make that judgment, are we being wise? Are we being righteous? Are we being biblical? When is it right to disobey those in authority? Pray about it.
May the Lord give us the simplicity and humility of heart to trust and obey, casting all our cares and the consequences of our obedience upon Him...for HE cares for us.
What say you?
God bless you,
Pastor Eric
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