Jesus continued, "There was a man who had two sons. The
younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he
divided his property between them. Not long after that, the younger son
got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his
wealth in wild (prodigal) living. (Luke 15: 11-13)
wonder if I'm the only one who sees himself in this passage! I'm amazed at how
much and how often I'm like the prodigal son. Too often, I view God as my
heavenly blessing machine. I treat Him like a fast food drive-through, picking
up my blessings "to go." Even though I know my spiritual fast
food diet will catch up with me one day, I presume the grace and mercy of
God will cover me anyway. Sad.
blessings we seek from God can distance us from Him, if we're not very
careful to pursue an intimate relationship with Him. In spite of so much
preaching today about our breakthrough, our destiny, and our shining moment,
the Bible is more focused on our character. So, our Father prepares and
presents a feast for us everyday, and we must be careful to turn aside from
all other concerns and sup with Him through worship, prayer, and the Word.
Our schedules tell us we don't have time for this, but our souls long for the
moments of sitting at the table with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -
laughing, sharing, and talking.
prodigal son goes to his father to get a blessing; but
to the children of God, being with the Father is our blessing.
Love you all,