. . . casting down arguments
and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing
every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
are strange things. They can come at any time, from any source, and lodge
themselves in our consciousness without invitation or permission. Therefore, we
must take the responsibility to steward our thought life all the more
seriously. In a day when there are so many voices and images vying for our attention,
it takes a great deal of effort and discipline to renew our minds and cleanse
our hearts for the Master’s abiding presence – for He cannot and will not abide
with an unholy thought life.
thoughts will become our god unless we learn to immediately capture and test
them by the Word. It amazes me how many Christians worship the “god of their
understanding” instead of the God of the Word (and they don’t even realize it).
Yet, the Holy Spirit takes the unfathomable riches of God and showers the Mind
of Christ upon all who are willing to receive Him.