Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dear Family:

A few years ago, I heard Foursquare Evangelist Jean Darnell share a dream she had.  To the best of my recollection, it went like this:
Jean had been taken up to heaven and was given a tour.  While she marveled at the immaculate beauty and awesome wonder of the place, her attention was drawn to an angel sitting alongside the gold-paved street with his back to her.  When she walked up to him, he had a deeply pensive, perplexed expression, and she wondered what this glorious, amazing angel could possibly be so troubled about.  Just then, he turned around and looked at her and asked,
                "What time is it?"

Jean immediately woke up. Every bit as perplexed as the angel, she said in her heart,
                "Lord that was a rather dumb question the angel asked me!"

The Lord quickly answered back,
"Looking at the way most of you Christians are living, the angel is rightly wondering do you all really know what time it is!!"

It's almost cliché to say, "Jesus is coming back soon."   And it's all too rare to find a believer or church living as if they're actually expecting Him.  Do the lives we live individually and collectively reflect the earnest conviction that Jesus could appear today?  Take a moment to bring to mind the issues that have occupied your thoughts this past week.  Can you truly say you've been concerned with God's agenda?  I hope so.

It is my deepest desire to see souls saved, but I also long to see those who name Christ as Savior living for Him with reckless abandon. When people meet or fellowship with us, let them find the sweet fragrance of God's active presence in all we say and do.  When they tell others about us, let them be able to say we are  people who speak the truth, feed the poor, visit the sick and imprisoned, pray fervently and continuously, and love all men in Jesus Christ.  Let us live and work like a church that has much to do and only a little while to do it.  After all, we do know what time it is . . . it’s time to we live completely for Jesus!

Pastor Eric